Incentive trips are group motivational trips, which are organised by companies for their employees. Incentive trips are a reward and encouragement for better understanding between co-workers and business partners. Up until now, there hasn’t been such an event able to connect both offer and demand.
Together with our partners, we have developed an event which is targeting one of the richest European regions and exclusively the group of incentive organisers. From the start, we have been developing the event as a communication tool, which allows the soaking up of information from each region’s incentive offer. On the base of precise information, we have designed a label for the event and designed it with the following attributes:
-Exciting (innovations)
-Positive (solving the problems of buyers and exhibitors)
-Entertaining (business can also be fun)
-Active (participants can be actively engaged)
The key differentiation is the “Try Before You Buy” concept. The participants can also practically experience the programmes available.
Even the event’s first trial run was extremely successful and the event will circulate around the region (alternately in the Alpine and Adriatic region) in its set format. The format of the event will stay boutique and limited to 30 buyers and 20–25 exhibitors.